
Boston Mesothelioma Watch: Defense Stall Tactics

Our Boston mesothelioma attorneys know that anytime we take on a case, there’s the real and tragic possibility that our client may not survive the proceedings.

Generally, that is the harsh reality of a Boston mesothelioma diagnosis – once it’s identified, patients only have a few months to maybe a year or so left. And the fact is, litigation takes time. That leaves devastated survivors to carry on with the case and our Boston mesothelioma attorneys are dedicated to battling their case every step of the way.

What we find morally reprehensible, however, are the tactics often used by defendants in these cases – the companies who sought to cover up their continued use of asbestos products, even after they became aware of the immense danger. They covered it up because asbestos was cheaper and because they didn’t want to be sued.

But these companies also know that the clock is ticking for Boston mesothelioma patients. They also know that when the case makes it to court, they are likely going to lose. So what to do they do? Delay, delay, delay.

A recent opinion piece in the Mesothelioma victims deserve better than wasteful legal maneuvers, By Michael Hiltzik, The L.A. Times

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Boston Asbestos Exposure Hits “Third Wave” , April 13, 2012, Boston Mesothelioma Lawyers Blog

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