
Articles Posted in mesothelioma treatment


Soto v. BorgWarner Morse TEC: Asbestos Exposure

Soto v. BorgWarner Morse TEC, an appeal in the Court of Appeal for the State of California’s Second District, involved a plaintiff who died from asbestos-related mesothelioma. Several surviving family members of the Plaintiff, including plaintiff’s adult children and grandmother, filed the lawsuit against a variety of defendants the family…


Experimenting with Alternative Treatment Options for Mesothelioma

There is no question that mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer, and the only known cause is exposure to asbestos. When a person inhales the fibers, those fibers can become embedded in his or her lung tissue, lining of the chest, abdomen and other organs. Once the fibers are…


Potential New Cure for Asbestos-Related Illness Being Tested

For a variety of reasons, Australia has many more cases of malignant pleural mesothelioma each year than most other nations. There are constantly government investigations into asbestos use and asbestos abatement violations, especially in relation to a home insulation material known as Mr. Fluffy. Due to the high frequency of…


New Treatment may Change Standard of Care for Mesothelioma Patients

When a patient is diagnosed with mesothelioma, he or she is often told they have a short time left to live. There are treatment options available, but they require cutting away cancerous organ tissues and applying chemotherapy wash directly to the site of the cancer. Sometimes, a patient will have…

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