
Articles Posted in Boston asbestos injury


Update: Children’s Makeup Retailer Claims Products Asbestos-Free

Days after a major retailer of children’s makeup cleared shelves after a customer accused the company of peddling asbestos-laden products, the business is now insisting the products are asbestos-free. The products were yanked after one customer reportedly tested her daughter’s makeup and alleged asbestos was found. Now, the retailer says…


New Ruling on Take-Home Asbestos Cases from Cali. Court

According to a recent article published by the Los Angeles Times, defendants in mesothelioma lawsuits can now be held liable for what are known as “take-home” asbestos cases.  These are cases where a worker was employed at job that exposed him or her to deadly asbestos fibers during his or her…


Burnham Boiler Maker to Pay $28M in Two Asbestos Trials

Two multi-million dollar verdicts by separate juries in two asbestos injury cases in New York resulted in damages collectively totaling $28 million, to be paid by boilermaker Burnham. According to Legal Newline, one case resulted in the estate of one man receiving a $6.25 million victory in mid-June, while a second…


Mesothelioma: A Breakdown of the Real Costs

In recent years, there have been a number of sizable mesothelioma lawsuit damage awards. This has prompted oft-repeated refrains for tort reform, questions about how jurors could ever conclude such a sum was justified and lamenting that such awards drive up various costs (taxes, insurance, product prices, etc.) for the…

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