Articles Tagged with Boston mesothelioma attorney

Many of the schools built in Boston and surrounding suburbs were constructed at a time when asbestos was heavily used during the construction process.  The reason asbestos was used is because it is a cheap naturally occurring mineral that has a tremendous ability to withstand heat, fire, electricity, and caustic chemicals.

schoolAsbestos was used as insulation in walls, ceilings, roofing tiles, around pipes and boilers, and it was also used for its ability as a chemical bonding agent.  This means it was used in most construction cements and joining compounds.  It was very dangerous to the miners extracting asbestos from the ground and everyone who worked in transporting it and processing it into building materials.  It was also very dangerous to the workers who were installing the materials in the schools when they were originally constructed. Continue reading

There is no question that being diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma is essentially a death sentence.  The vast majority of patients who are diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma will be dead with a year or two of learning they are victims of this almost exclusively asbestos-related cancer.

x ray analysisThere is no cure for mesothelioma, and many researchers do not know if there will ever be due the fact that it is almost always in a very advanced stage once they receive a diagnosis. This reason for this is because, once a victim is exposed to the deadly asbestos fibers, the fibers can become lodged in a protective layer of tissue known as the mesothelium.  At this point, the body has no way to remove these fibers, and they will start to cause cells to mutate into what will ultimately be classified as malignant mesothelioma.   Continue reading

When a property owner knows or has reason to suspect that asbestos is present in their property, they must have an asbestos inspection prior to doing any renovation work. If they fail to do so, demolition may result in workers being exposed to the deadly fibers or the asbestos fibers contaminating public areas.

asbestos dustAsbestos inspections must be completed by a certified and properly-trained professional who will wear proper protective equipment when taking samples.  Even if the inspector is pretty sure he or she has located asbestos material, there is a requirement under state and federal law to send those samples to a lab that is equipped to examine the material under a microscope in a safe environment. The lab will not only confirm the presence of asbestos, but will also be able to determine the specific type of asbestos. This is important, because, while all types of asbestos pose a serious hazard to humans, some are more likely to be inhaled than others. Continue reading

There is a degree of uncertainty over the future of various environmental regulations and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the new Donald Trump administration. Still, the agency recently selected its first 10 chemicals to review under the newly-enacted Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act for the 21st Century.  This was the first major change to the nation’s 1976 toxic materials law since the original bill was enacted nearly 40 years ago.

asbestosThe measure allows the EPA to perform a review on a number of chemicals the agency selects to determine if they should be banned.  For the purposes of this act, asbestos is considered a chemical since it is a naturally occurring mineral made up of six different types of silica elements.  According to a recent news article form the Environmental Working Group, the EPA chose asbestos and the other nine chemicals based upon the fact they are all considered highly hazardous to humans.  Other chemicals on the list include PERC (used in dry cleaning) and TCE (featured in the movie and book “A Civil Action). Continue reading

Over the years, we have seen many articles in the media about problems in prisons related to poor conditions and overcrowding.   There is no question that many of the prison systems in the United States are in need of money, and many inmates are housed in very old buildings that are falling apart.

gavel7One problem that is not talked about much is the fact that many of these old prisons and jails were built a time when asbestos was used in virtually every aspect of the construction process. These buildings are now crumbling, and the dust is a hazard to staff, corrections officers and inmates alike. One inmate sued the corrections department for asbestos exposure during a renovations project at the prison library.

His asbestos lawsuit was initially dismissed because he did not file the required complaint form within 10 days of being exposed to asbestos, according to a recent article from CJ Online. However, upon review by the Kansas Supreme Court, his case will be allowed to continue. Continue reading

In Rost v. Ford Motor Company, plaintiff originally filed a mesothelioma lawsuit against the various companies that manufactured asbestos products.  Claimant alleged these companies manufactured the asbestos to which he had been exposed that ultimately caused him to develop malignant mesothelioma.  He filed his original complaint in October 2009.

hospitalroomPrior to trial, plaintiff settled his claims against all other asbestos makers except for the automaker named in the lawsuit. At this point, the case was set for trial, along with two other mesothelioma lawsuits.  While it does not happen all the time, judges in certain cases, particularly those involving toxic torts or products liability, have the power to combine cases in the interest of judicial economy. Continue reading

According to a recent news article from The Louisiana Record, a man with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has just filed a lawsuit against a factory that produced asbestos products for many years.  He claims in his mesothelioma lawsuit that he was exposed at his residence to the deadly asbestos fibers, which ultimately caused him to develop mesothelioma. He reportedly lived near a factory that used the substance regularly in protduction.

oldfactoryIn his complaint, he said he lived near the plant that used chemicals that contained asbestos during the 1980s.  He was diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma in 2015 and has just filed this suit.  He further claims that they knew of the dangers of their asbestos-filled chemicals and should have warned those in the area and taken steps to make the air around the factory safe.  Having failed to so, he alleges, they are responsible for his fatal disease.  His doctors have told him he doesn’t have long left to live. Continue reading

On the banks of the Deerfield River in Monroe, Massachusetts sits what is left of a paper mill that has long since closed.  The mill is completely dilapidated and is now an asbestos-laden mess that is slowly slipping into the river.  Not only is it an eyesore that many would like to get rid of, it is an ever increasing environmental disaster in the making that needs to go, according to a recent news article from Mass Live.

asbestos dustIf it is not addressed soon, it will certainly fall into the river, and that will release large quantities of deadly asbestos fibers, as well as a great deal of waste and other debris, into the water and surrounding soil. This is certainly something that residents and country officials, as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), would like to avoid. Continue reading

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is fairly easy to make a determination that it was caused by exposure to asbestos fibers, since that is virtually the only cause of the deadly disease found in the United States.  However, the more difficult question is who is responsible for your illness.

boiler1This is made more difficult by the fact that exposure likely happened between 20 and 50 years ago, and there have been many different points of exposure during your lifetime.  The first thing you will need to do is write down your entire work history and any place else that you could have been exposed to deadly asbestos fibers. Continue reading

This election season was like nothing we have ever seen in American history or American politics.  Whatever your political persuasion, there can be no question that Donald Trump’s position have elicited strong feelings on both sides of the aisle.

washington-metro-1220364One of his claims that has some people concerned is a claim made on the campaign trail and reiterated again that was recently discussed in the Huffington Post, pertaining to the danger – or rather, his perceived lack thereof – when it comes to asbestos.  Trump has reportedly said that the asbestos “scare” was a conspiracy led by the mafia (organized crime organizations) in America to get Congress to ban the substance. Continue reading

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